zondag 13 april 2014

Adrafinil: A beginning


The past week I have been exploring this new substance called "Adrafinil". Its supposed to be some kind of stimulant...
For the unfamiliar, Adrafinil is related to Modafinil. A drug that has been on an upraising over the past couple of years. People have been raving about it, claiming that as a smart drug you will be smarted, more successful etc...

So I bought some Adrafinil.

Let the testing begin !

But first, the catch:

So what is the catch ? Well, is it safe ? Is it well documented ? Any side effects ?

As it is being developed by farma, it has been tested. So we know the short term effects. As for long term effects, not really ...

But what do we know:
Its related to Modafinil, which is widely sold. 
Lets compare them:


We can see a small difference on the right. What actually happens when you take it is that the liver metabolizes it to Modafinil. So the compound that is entered into the brain is the same.
HOWEVER ! This also means that you put strain on your liver each time.
Depending on the dosage you take this can be dangerous and should be taken into account.
I should get my bloodwork done and later check if something is up with my liver.

A very small percentage has a skin rash or some jaw clenching. That sounds like a stimulant alright.

Practically: You probably won't do this, but at least don't go drinking on it or take something like steroids or anything else that is already kicking your liver !

That are all the catches I found actually (physically).

What can I excpect ?

I thought the compound looked a little like an amphetamine:
So I'm expecting something alike, just for the record, I have never take amphetamines but I would compare it to other stimulants.
  • A clear head
  • Some euphoria
  • Lots of energy
  • Impulsive
  • No appetite
  • A horrible crash


Down the hatch ! I dissolved around 120mg in water.
To get a good look I stopped taking piracetam and other supplements/drugs a few weeks back.

Because it has to be metabolized by the liver it takes around 1 to 1.5 hours before noticing, instead of the half hour.

It tastes a bit bitter. Perhaps a good sign as all the things that worked tasted bitter. Yes I'm looking at you unidentified blotters !

Oh did I mention it was on a Monday ? So I'm off to work. The perfect time to test a new drug ... Sometimes I should punch myself in the head for my stupidity.

So I get to work (software developer) and I have slept around 6 hours. More than enough but I won't be making miracles happen today.

Its almost noon, and I'm not feeling any buzzing/ hyped up energy... God dammit, they sold me crap. This isn't doing anything ! And I'm hungry, so I think this isn't a stimulant at all ...
Perhaps I should double my dose ? NO ! I've done the "Its not working yet, I'll take more" story before and I'm at work ...
Fuck it, I'll go grab a cup of coffee then, free company drugs !

So I had lunch and went back to work.

Finished work and did some cool things but nothing "next level" so I went home but I was thinking about this the whole day, it feels as I'm a bit stimulated / awake but this might be a placebo because I'm expecting something.

I explain it all to my girlfriend, but she doesn't think too much of it.

Next day

Perhaps I should take more, being a little worried about the liver I decided to not jump a lot.
I dissolved around 220mg in water.
Same bitterness, meh. Its a very find power but tastes evenly bitter. I wonder what bitter compound it could be if they screwed me over.

Arrived at work.
I should feel it by now ... I feel good and ready for work, but that's every day ... and I just had a coffee.

Hello Mr Adrafinil !

Yes, this is different. I'm not rushing my tits off as I can when taking a large dosage of stimulants. No fatigue though, clear thoughts. But no jaw clenching spasms, shakes or anythings.
This is weird, mmh lets see what we can do.
Suddenly the project manager comes over. I have a thigh deadline and suddenly an old project with bugs and I have to fix them as fast as possible.

Fuck it I'm in, lets see how far we can take this.

Headphones on and I'm in.
Listing all the bugs, and tackling them head on. One by one I'm smashing them in record time and painting a clear picture.

I have to wait a few minutes before I can get further, instead of waiting I immediately go for the next one I can solve, normally switching forward and back really fucks my focus and concentration.
Even if someone has to ask something, they can not get my out ! I hope out, talk a bit and I'm back in !

It still takes work, but its much more easy to get in that productive mindset.

I'm thinking at record speed and typing without any faults.
I feel like I'm screaming or yelling in my head, it might be the music. I pull off my headphones to go and refill my water. The silence overwhelms me. As I pass everyone, some of their eyes connect. Oh paranoia, how I missed you ! I get the old "Do they know I'm high ?" paranoid feeling. But I'm not, so it didn't last long at all. Thank god this doesn't give me panic attacks. Perhaps even the opposite.
Nothing wrong, but still it feels sketchy.
The day is almost over and push all my fixes, everything went smooth and fast, 1 day instead of 3.
The manager thought it was great everything went so smooth. He sounded even a bit surprised. Fuck it went good, but that that good right ?
Is this a coincidence ? Perhaps.

At home I work some more, make dinner and spend quality time with my girlfriend.
She has tested it too, she was feeling a bit tired/sick. She said she felt "awake". Indeed good choice of words Catnip ! Good choice indeed. Its not that motivating as piraceteam. Perhaps I should stack them.

I went to sleep without any problems.
A very satisfying day.

Will I see you back mister ?

Sure, but its a shame that I have to spend it his time at work. If I discontinue this one, I definitely have to remember this one when I start my own work for a living.

The scary part is that there isn't really is a crash... I was told many times that nothing is free. And I'm a very paranoid person, so I'm a bit worried about this. Will I pay with my liver ?
I'm going to get a doctor appointment after a week.

I'll update probably after a week.